After My Boy left for school, I shinnied under the fence and went on patrol. I spent several hours running around the farm having a grand old time, and then things went south. The details are a little fuzzy still, and I don't remember exactly what happened, but at the end of the day My Boy found me staggering around with a bloody eye, a lump on my head, and a bruised snoot. Felt like I'd been run over by a train. If that wasn't bad enough, I bit My Boy when we got home. What can I say, there was no excuse except I wasn't feeling quite myself. Still, I am in major lockdown and no longer allowed outside without supervision. I also have to go to work with Mom every day as I'm not trusted to behave myself when no one's watching. I say go to work with Mom, but Mom said it in an entirely different way. I think it was along the lines of "drag your sorry carcass to the office with me", or something like that. I am also being monitored on my behavior and being taught some "much-needed manners." Ah, the shame of it.
I'm not the biting kind. I've never acted like this before. Must have hit my head harder than I realized to behave in such a way. The vet said I should make a full recovery, no permanent damage done, and the hair will grown back before I know it. In the meantime, I'm doing my humble best to wiggle my way back into everyone's good graces. But hey, I'm a terrier, they have to make some allowances for that, don't they? Comes with the territory.
Uh oh. We're not quite sure what to say. Ummm. Good luck? Hire counsel? Claim temporary insanity? Wag your tail and give 'em those sweet expressive eyes? We don't know what we'd do in your situation. But we do hope your knot goes down and your reputation improves.
Crossed paws.
Learning from example.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Sheesh. You obviously had a major meltdown whilst roaming the other side of the fence. These things happen. You were probably attackted by a band of raccoons or some jealous badgers. Terriers are often the envy of local wildlife. Sure glad you weren't in worse shape. Hope the boy is okay and not too upset with you.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
Dear Tell:
I think you should mind your "Ps and Qz" for a while, use all the terrier vibes possible, and hope that your boy forgives you before he leaves for college.
Moms are easier. A few kisses, a few cute ear tricks, she will be fine in no time.
pee ess....we wish you would stop this kind of adventure, you are scaring us.
Oh Tell, I totally sympathise. Gail often says that I am 'an accident waiting to happen'....
I do hope you get parole and will be available for my field trip!
Toodle pip!
Oh my word Tell! Stay where it's safe man. Remember, I was a stray and it's scary out there, mean wild beasts roam the countryside. Hope you learned a big lesson this time buddy. Hope you're on the road to recovery. Better be kissing you know what and get back on the good side :)
Love ya,
Crickey Tell. You must remember in future to to drink one bowl of water for every one of Lacie's smoothies. Them smoothies can make you totally cross your wires. As you've discovered. You didn't have a nibble of nice grass too did you?? Sheese Tell. No wonder your in lockdown. But you know staying with Mom at work, you got it made. Lie on her feet, then cock that noddle to one side and push up one ear. Trust me she yours. Totally.
But take it easy and stay this side of the fence. There is scary stuff the other side.
Wiry love Eric xx
Oh Tell -- we thought you had learned your lesson several times before. That's pretty scary not to know what happened to give you a lump on your head and a bruised snoot. Even though we're wires and one of us (JH) has done a bit of roaming, we think we agree with your mom that major lockdown is required.
As Gussie said -- you're scaring us. So we can imagine how your mom feels.
Wirey woofs, pal!!
Jake and Just Harry
Oh Tell -- we thought you had learned your lesson several times before. That's pretty scary not to know what happened to give you a lump on your head and a bruised snoot. Even though we're wires and one of us (JH) has done a bit of roaming, we think we agree with your mom that major lockdown is required.
As Gussie said -- you're scaring us. So we can imagine how your mom feels.
Wirey woofs, pal!!
Jake and Just Harry
Boy oh boy how did we miss this post.. You are in a heap of trouble.. DO you need us to fly down and help? Not too sure buddy what we can d... the biting your boy is a tough one.. temporary insanity is of course the defense.. Call on Aggies cell if you want us to come.. Hope you are feeling better. Does she pay to go to work? Just asking Love A+A
Gee Tell....sorry ta say I missed this post and am just catching up.....boy ya sure know how ta cause concern ta yer family....takin' off like that...why around here if that happened we would be creamed by a car....ya need ta stay safe 'n sound....but then ya are a wire 'n that's what wires do.....unfortunately every chance they get.....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Tell..we are so sorry we only just read what happened to you!
Just goes to show its not good to go exploring by yerself.
Take it easy and pawscrossed you are mended soon.
Extra Big Gentle Nose POkes
The Thugletsx
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