Dragging me right along, My Boy and I ran across a raccoon track. Almost looks human, doesn't it?

Wishing everyone a happy Labor Day weekend! My Boy will be in the Labor Day Parade on Monday. Maybe he'll let me ride the float and throw some candy, too!
Good on ya for being a host to all those puppies floating by.
But are you sure those tracks are not of some strange kind of monster? We certainly have never ever seen anything like this...
Cool, those are some tracks you found there Tell.
Hey thanks for telling us about Rudy. We've just been there to say g'day.
Hope you guys are keeping well.
Noah x
Wow....We are so impressed by your tracking abilities. And we hope you get to ride on the float, just throw a few treats our way.
What neat tracks! We never see stuff like that in our travels, Tell!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Tell,
Nice paw prints....did ya find the creatures that made 'em ? We have coyotes here and it scares the daylights outta people cause this isn't the country 'n that's where they belong.
Sounds like ya had a great visit with yer visitors.....Gram wouldn't enjoy the slobber slinger though...I can tell ya that....
Dewey Dewster here....
How great it was to catch up with ya, Tell! And we learned a lot, too! Maybe even picked up some new skills to be working on.
We'll keep our eyes open for Red (that's right, isn't it?). And, if you'd like, WE can send ya a postcard from Colorado!
Jake and Fergs xxoo
Those tracks are really interesting..we don't ever see anything like that here.
How fabulous that you foster dogs on their journey to new homes.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
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