An update on my ol' buddy, Cap. He went back to the vet Monday, again on Tuesday. Good news is that his knee is fine (I never did believe that story about an old football injury when he was a linebacker for the Cowboys). The x-rays showed "significant" arthur-itis in his hips and knees, but no other problems. Just a good wrenching of the joints when he flipped on the tile. Getting too old for such nonesense, he told me. Must have been a senile moment that made him act like a spring pup. He's very embarrassed.

We are now feeding him a special diet that is good for arthritis and joint pain. Cap seems to like it pretty good and snarfs it down quick, so he doesn't even know he's getting a pill in there somewhere. I sniffed it but wasn't impressed. The main ingredient is chopped liver. I'm more of a chicken man myself.
I told Cap that next time he feels inspired to do bodily damage to himself, come to me. I can be pretty smart at doctoring things up. Comes from living on a farm. We make due with what's handy. Give me a little duct tape, some baling wire, I can splint a hindleg in no time. Spritz some WD-40 on those creaky joints, they'll limber right up. Yeah, I know, pretty impressive. I should have went to med school. I'd be a gazillionaire by now.

Geez....glad ta hear Cap is OK....too bad he lost some more teeth....ya really need those fer chompin'......I mean all of 'em....wish ya wouldn't have mentioned teeth cleanin' cause Gram has one of those cleanin' tools 'n she likes ta torture us scrapin' our teeth like we weren't she'll be chasin' us arond wavin' that thing like crazy....
Yeah too bad ya didn't learn ta be a vet there Tell......we woulda moved close ta ya so ya could treat us too.....'n ya would be a rich chap's really way tooooo bad....
Dewey Dewster here....
I'm soopew impwessed by youw extensive medical knowledge, and you say you didn't even go to medical school??
Wow..could have fooled me.
It's good news that nothing tewwibull is wong wif Cap..he kind of sounds like mommi(cweaky, old and sleepy wif occasional wild behaviow bettew left to youngstews, hehehe)
Give him a healing smoochie kiss fwom me. Oh and pleez tell glynn that i get my clothes diwectly fwom the cootoowe shows on The Googely stowe..I'm suwe she would wow all the boys if she shopped thewe
smoochie kisses
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