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I Get Blamed For Everything
I'll be the first to admit that, occasionally, I create mischief. I can't help it, I'm a terrier and it's what we do. It doesn't help that I live with a couple of other wires that don't create mischief at all. In comparison, they make me look pretty bad sometimes. I think I am a good representative of our breed, while Cap and Glynn are the strange ones, but that's just my opinion. Anyway, here are a few things I am totally (and I mean TOTALLY) innocent of doing, just for the record.
Here I sit in front of the flower pot that "somebody" ran into and cracked. Wasn't moi.
And this was during one of my latest photo shoots. The camera caught a little piddle puddle on the floor behind me before the photo was cropped. That wasn't me either.
Here I am checking out Cap's new Zanies Toy. I just wanted to make sure the squeaker was in tip-top shape for the old boy. We all know how he loves his stuffies to make noise. Cap grrrr'd and I was accused to taking his toy away. Oh, come on! I gave it right back.
We know that you're innocent on all counts, Tell! Why else would that halo be around your head?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We totally believe you Tell. We get blamed for everything, too. Seems the wheelie never do anything wrong. Hrmph.
Jake and Fergs xxoo
We know you are innocent too. And we think you are looking mighty handsome to boot! Just practice lookin' cute. Works for Teka toy all the time.
Honestly Tell...they blamed ya for cracking a flower pot? Even the hardest headed foxy wire would require great speed and agility to do that...did ya really slam into it?
Scruffy's really glad about that STAIN on the floor...he's quite the stain maker around here...right now he has a bladder IN FEK SHUN so it's even worse than usual...
Thank you for sending regards to of right now THAT BOY IS FEELING NO'd think he'd have drunk a whole vat of smoothies, but Mumsie sez it's the vetties drugs kickin' in...he just asked Asta to marry him and have puppies...poor Stan...he's usually so reserved...
Kisses, Tell!!
Tell. Disgraceful you getting the blame for everything. Those wirie bro's of you should learn to share. It's only good manners. if they won't share you need to get a pesky wheelie. They can be blamed for everything. Bark if you want me to send one over.
Wiry love Eric xx
You are so right -- that's what terriers do. So what do people expect???
Wirey woofs of understanding!
Jake and Just Harry
Tell...I am one who is sure that ya are innocent of all of those charges....without a doubt....glad ya got 'em all off yer chest's good ta cleanse the soul every once in a while....
Dewey Dewster returns....
HA don't we know what that is like( being blamed FOR EVERYTHING that is) YOU ARE INNOCENT WE SAY(did that help at all??) Lvoe and spring kisses A+A
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