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I Dig The Mother of All Holes
It's been a busy week, gang. Lots of work to do, excavating and moving dirt. I have to say my schedule is about as full as it's ever been. Good thing I like my job, because there's just no end to the holes that need to be dug around here. I dig so much, sometimes I forget where I put a hole. That happened the other morning when I was bunny-hopping backwards in front of My Boy and did a one-legger down a deep one. Lost my balance and ended up-side down for a moment. Made My Boy laugh...a lot longer than I thought was necessary, but who cares? We like to have fun together.
Now, remember the rock wall that Somebody built awhile back? The one that tee-totally ruined a perfectly good hole I was working on? Yeah, that's right, the one with the water garden and sweetpea flowers? That sure did set me back, but I jumped in there this week and finished what I started, rocks and all. Yep, I caved in that rock wall and dug all around it, uprooted the flowers, and may have bowed the fence just a bit, too. I was mighty proud of the destruction, because those old fireplace rocks weigh more than I do.
Glynn is always sure to stand back when the dirt goes flinging. She says a hard hat messes up her 'do too much, so she stays in the safety zone whilst I work.
This one is even big enough to go down into, turn around, and come back out again. Quite a masterpiece.
My Boy was pretty speechless, I tell ya, when he saw how much I had accomplished in just one week. Took his breath away, I'm thinkin'. Shook his head in awe. What can I say? I'm pretty pleased myself. Well, enough about holes for now. I see My Boy heading this way with a shovel and wheelbarrow. I wonder what new game this will be? Can't wait to find out...~Tell
oh Tell, that is an excellent job! Me and Teka (she loves to help dig) did a job on one in our garden last fall, but it got repaired.
We hope yours lasts longer than ours did.
We are in awe of your prowess, Tell.
If the truth be told, we must be missing that WFT digging gene, 'cause we've never dug a hole. Perhaps it's because we're never left alone long enough to find the opportunity.
Although sometimes in the middle of the night, our mom wakes up at the sound of one of us trying to dig a hole in the bedroom rug!!! Go figure.
Wirey love and good digging!
Jake and Just Harry
Just had to wiggle our waggers at this one. We're like Jake and Just Harry. Never dug a hole. Not even one. But recently, very recently, Fergi's been digging at something in her comfy cushion in the backseat of the car. Seems she thinks if she digs it just right, it'll be better. Or maybe some treat she dropped just might reappear from below. We're gonna set her in front of this post of yours, and maybe she can pick up a few tips. You do an amazing dig job. (We're intrigued and a bit jelly.)
Your pals,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
I hope he was pleased with you digging, but I have a feeling he was not. But well done from a dogs point of view.
You're a fantastic landscaper William!
Love licks & Hugs,
Solid Gold Dancer
Ohhhhhhh we are soooo sooo proud of you!! WHAT AN EXCELLENT JOB!!!! The funny thing about holes is that really do not last that onlg for some reason..Love A+A
Wow Tell...ya sure dig great, we are not permitted to dig holes......
Why, ya may ask ???? Because we get dirty....realy dirty 'n we rip up Gram's garden and ruin 'er grass too....well,the grass that we don't destroy with our pee-mail, that is....
Gee, it seems like we can't do anything right now days....
Dewey Dewster here....
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