I took the day off from my farm duties and went shopping for new cologne. Tried a few samples and settled on one I really like. Came home wearing a bit of eau de cowpoo and thought it made me smell quite manly. My mistake. Let me impart a bit of wisdom to my terrier friends out there -- humans not only have fewer old-factories senses than we canines, but they have a completely different set of old-factories and take major offense at some of the odors we think are interesting. And when Mom wrinkles her muzzle up and say, "Ewww!", you'd better run.

I wasn't fast enough. Into the bathtub, splish-splash, she 'bout scrubbed my hide off. My whites have never been so white. It was quite an insult, really. I will definitely have to warn My Boy about this.
No appreciation whatever for the finer things. There is no accounting for hoomans.
ps glad you had a good time shopping though!
Little do they know...Hopeless them are, hopeless.
You can just imagine the scrubbin' I got the other day after not just rolling in it but than also eating IT...Don't they now what they are missing out on??
They just don't under stand.
See Yea George xxx
Your whites are blindin' us, Tell! You are surely one clean boy! Bet your mom is happy!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You're right, Tell! The hoomans have no sense of humor when it comes to doggie smells!
Penny & Patches
I must tell ya Will, that I too have never understood why the peepers just don't understand the joy we feel when ya find just the right scent, ya savor it's aroma and ya roll in it.....makin' it a part of ya.
Yep, it spoils all the fun when someone grabs ya, wrinkles their nose in disgust and throws ya in a tub of water only ta lather ya with soap and destroy the lovely scent that ya worked so hard ta acquire......
Makes ya wonder if it was worth the effort in the first place...doesn't it? Especially cause after that bath ya smell like a perfume factory.....too bad we just can't make 'em understand the logic behind it all....theirs is most definitely flawed.....
Dewey Dewster here.....
There is no accounting for fine taste like we have is there..Love A+A
Ohhh, I feel your pain!
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