Summer is at its peak here in Oklahoma. Hotter than blazes, you might say, and it isn't a "dry heat" as some areas have. Nope, very humid here. Not much fun being outside when it makes us huff and puff hard. Much cooler to stay indoors on the tile floor. Boring, but cooler.
The other day Mom turned us outside for a break. While Cap and Glynn tended to their own business, I slipped around behind the shed. I had a nice hole going there, out of eyesight of The Family, kind of my own little secret. I shinnied under the fence went exploring. There I was, running like the wind and sniffing all over the place, when suddenly I didn't feel so good. I had overdone it in the summer sun, gave myself a heat stroke. Talk about the phrase "sicker than a dog", well that was me all over. Literally. Just about did myself in before The Family located me and drove me home in the pickup. I was a hurtin' cowboy, believe me. The next day I was so stiff and sore I could barely move around. Took a few more days to get my bounce back. I may have to rethink the summertime escapades. Wasn't hardly worth it that time.
On a brighter note, here's what we found early one morning on one of our more sedate (translate boring) walkies. It's a newborn calf, and she wasn't too very much bigger than me and Glynn put together. Mama Cow was snorting in my hip pocket, though, so I couldn't stay and talk long. Don't know what her problem was, I was just looking. I plan to go back and spend a little more time playing later when she gets her land legs under her.
TELL!!!! could have keeled over you dear I know all about the terrier diggin' obsession...I suffer from it myself, but you need to wait till it's cooler!!! Thank dog your family found ya and cooled you down....
I feel faint just thinkin' about it....
OH MY...
That calf is totally out for the mama!!
We have decided that we thought we were pretty good hole diggers but you WIN THE PRIZE!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!(except the getting sick part....) at least you are not here..take your heat and add icckky humidity and you have a pretty yucky day!!! Love A+A PS that calf kid looks like fun..
Heatstroke! Oh Tell, I think I am going to invite all my blogging friends who live in hot places to come to a big old party here in Scotland, where you can run around all you like outdoors all Summer and never overheat! Toodle pip! Bertie. PS Well done for seizing the moment though. A good approach to life, I feel, even given the occasional mishap.
Jeepers Tell. That's a scary tale of yours. Thank dog your leggeds found you in time. Please. Don't ever do that again.Ok? And take Bertie up on his offer. I'll wag up to meet you and you can teach me to dig. I don't do it. Evere. Think I'm missing a pair of jeans or something?
OMD! Tell, you just can't go 'sploring by yourself when it's that hot! We know an Airedale in North Carolina that nearly died because he got his collar caught on the doggie door. It's no telling how long he had been there when his mom got home from work. She rushed him to the vet and he's okay now, but that is a miracle! He was unconscious when his mom found him.
We're really glad you are okay! What a cute baby cow!
I'm a wire fox terrier, and I live on a farm in the country with my two best friends, Cap and Glynn. Cap is the old grumpy dog. Glynn is the shy girl. I'm the good lookin' one. It's a busy life, living on a farm like this. We have to keep the chickens safe from the fox, the raccoons out of the barn, and the squirrels up their tree. It's a full time job, even with three of us patrolling the grounds. When I get time (and Mom's not looking), I get on the computer and write to my friends. I have doggy friends from Canada to Australia and everywhere in between. Even one in Ireland and a couple in the UK. So join the fun, read my blog and sign the guest book. The more the merrier, especially with terriers (hey, I'm a poet and didn't know it)!
Tell you musn't go 'splorin on these hottest days. Dog days of summer will kill ye mate.
Cutey new friend you've got there.
Bobo and Meja
I'm glad you are okay now, but next time you go out when it is hot, don't forget to take along your sunglasses and straw hat and some sun cream.
I also like making friends with non human, non doggie creatures!
Be careful going off and exploring in this heat, Tell, It's just too darn hot! We're glad you're okay!
What a cute calf!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
TELL!!!! could have keeled over you dear I know all about the terrier diggin' obsession...I suffer from it myself, but you need to wait till it's cooler!!! Thank dog your family found ya and cooled you down....
I feel faint just thinkin' about it....
OH MY...
That calf is totally out for the mama!!
Relieved kisses,
So gald they found you, I bet they were worried sick. I don't always paid to go out by yourself.
Keep drinking the water.
See Yea George xxx
We have decided that we thought we were pretty good hole diggers but you WIN THE PRIZE!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!(except the getting sick part....) at least you are not here..take your heat and add icckky humidity and you have a pretty yucky day!!! Love A+A PS that calf kid looks like fun..
Heatstroke! Oh Tell, I think I am going to invite all my blogging friends who live in hot places to come to a big old party here in Scotland, where you can run around all you like outdoors all Summer and never overheat!
Toodle pip!
PS Well done for seizing the moment though. A good approach to life, I feel, even given the occasional mishap.
Jeepers Tell. That's a scary tale of yours. Thank dog your leggeds found you in time. Please. Don't ever do that again.Ok? And take Bertie up on his offer. I'll wag up to meet you and you can teach me to dig. I don't do it. Evere. Think I'm missing a pair of jeans or something?
Wiry love Eric xx
OMD! Tell, you just can't go 'sploring by yourself when it's that hot! We know an Airedale in North Carolina that nearly died because he got his collar caught on the doggie door. It's no telling how long he had been there when his mom got home from work. She rushed him to the vet and he's okay now, but that is a miracle! He was unconscious when his mom found him.
We're really glad you are okay! What a cute baby cow!
Penny & Patches
Oh Tellie boy. You're doing us proud. But please, don't overdo it. Mind you, we don't know when nuf's'nuff either...
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