We had a great weekend here. Saturday was Spa Day for us, and we all three got baths and haircuts. Then it was outside for a romp since the weather was so lovely. We got a surprise, too. New toys!
As I reached for my favorite, the tugging toy, Glynn whizzed by and bonked me on the head. Owww!
After a while I quit playing with the tuggy toy and left it laying. That's when Glynn stopped to take a sniff of it, and actually gave it a little shake. She's learning to play a bit at a time. Soon I'll get her to really play tug-of-war with me.

Cap, of course, picked the toy that makes noise. If it squeaks, it's mine, he always tells us.

Cap will guard that squeaky for the next two days like it is a treasured possession. It will take him that long to kill it and get the squeaky out, since the old boy doesn't have many teeth left, but he'll get it field-dressed in the end. After that, he loses interest in the hides, so they get tossed.
I hope the rest of you are enjoying this beautiful fall weather. It's our favorite time of year!
I simply love FALL..the smells, the cwunchy leaves, the food, the biggew walks,and mowe play..I love it all..I;m so glad you'we having a gweat time!
smoochie kisses
We love autumn too, Tell! New toys are always such fun! Too bad that some of us, who will remain nameless, don't know how to share!
Love ya lots,
Oh Autumn, I think I remember that from Virginia. Our temps here in the d#$%&ed desert are still above 90. You dogs don't know how jealous I am. I might even welcome a bath!
We love fall here too. We love to run and run because the weather is so cool. And, we like to go critterin' in the back.
Katherine and I fight over squeaky toys and Zorra and I fight over tug toys. As you can tell, those girls just do not know how to share!
Hey Tell...
So glad ur Sissy is learning how to play. Perhaps, Cap needs some doggie dentures...Poor Guy...if he's still killing toys, it does sound as if he's makin' do with what he has!! Gettin' brisk here too...we had our first big frost yesterday am...I told Lacie it was snow. She was just a baby the last time she saw snow, so she's clueless. She spent way too much time licking the frost off the grass. Oh...and she went after her first deer last nite in the yard all by herself...we have tons of them, but I'm the primary deer chaser. Tell this terrier ya can't catch a deer by prancing. She was prancin' all over the yard...the deer escaped.
Disgusted barks,
There are NEVER too many toys ':¬}
Hi Tell,
Cap sounds just like Lucy, loves the squeaky toys.
Enjoy your Autumn weather. It's spring here in Oz and it's getting warmer everyday.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Ahhh new toys! Nothing like rolling in a truckload of stuffies for sme fun!
Bussie Kissies
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