As I was pondering this new word, I think Mom must have been reading over my shoulder (as she is prone to do at times). I heard her say, "Hmmm..." The next thing I knew, she had reached over and started scratching my back and rumpus. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! What heavenly form of patting was this? It felt wonderful, especially to a pup who has had a few itchies he couldn't reach now and then. I stretched my neck, wagged my tail and made a goofy face.
Cap jumped up and trotted over to see what he was missing. He's a bit nosey sometimes. Mom said, "You want a scritchie, too?" He had much the same reaction as I did. There we stood, grinning like a couple of goobers while The Family laughed at us.
Then it was Glynn's turn. As I may have mentioned, Glynn is a bit of a shrinking violet when it comes to people. She's just not used to cuddles. So when Mom gave her a back rub and butt scritchie, my little sis just about went into shock. She didn't know what to think of all this attention but she took it rather well except for the bug-eyed look on her face.
It's been several days now, and scritchies have become part of our routine. We are becoming absolutely spoiled to this new way of pampering pooches. It sure beats twisting ourselves into a pretzel to reach an itch, and everyone thinks we're funny when we get those silly smiles on our faces.

Today, as Cap and I swung our broadsides around for Mom to reach, we were surprised when Glynn walked up and quietly stood there, too. Quite a milestone for her. Brought a tear to my eye, seeing her pluck up the courage to join the group.
Way to go, little sis!
~ Tell
Hurray for scritchies! I'm glad Glynn likes them too. My mom just calls it "da butt!"
Your friend, Lenny
Aren't scritchies just the best! We're so glad you all enjoy them at your house! We sure enjoy ours here!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
OK...we're on...we have resevations with Mumsie for scritches nightly...great idea, Dude!!
Don't ya just love scritchies...WHo could resist them!! LoveA+A
Scritchies are the best! They make me go a little bit silly too! J x
Now we know what they are called! We love them too, though mum always has a good laugh about how silly-happy we become when we get one. We better be off to show her your post!
Cheers to scritchies!
Mango & Party
I'm so glad you all discovewed scwitchies!!! i heaw that Stanley's giwl is a wowld champion bumie scwitchiew if youw Mom evew need pointews.
how vewy nice that the whole family joined in..little Glyn coming out of hew shell is wondewful news!
Hurrah fow Scwitchies!
smoochie kisses
Hey Tell....I'm glad you like scritchies, I still say my sister E.Rabbit is the best scritcher ever, but she lives too far away and I will take what I can get! Glad you all like them, if you are ever in DeeSee let me know and I will pee mail her phone number!
Hey Tell: We are giving you the
"I Love your Blog" Award. See our blog for the sticker thingy and details.
Hey Tell, it looks like Gus beat me to it, but I wanted to give you the "I love your blog" award. I guess you will just have to have two of them! Stop by my blog sometime to see.
Your friend, Lenny
YOU NEVER HAD SCRITCHIES BEFORE!!!!! We think scritchies are what made Janie turn into a normal dog and stopped her running away from Mommy and Daddy all the time all the time.
When I get scritchies, my tongue goes in and out real fast uncontrollably!
Bussie Kissies
Hillary 2008
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