Hippo Birdie to Me! Hippo Birdie to Me! Hippo Birdie to Meeee-eeee! Hippo Birdie to Me!
Hi ho, Friends! Today is my Happy Birthday! Yep, nine year ago on this day, Abby Gale whelped a litter of eight beautiful wire fox puppies, one of which was moi. Of course, I was the most out-standing of the litter and found the perfect home with My Boy and his family.
Nine years. Whew, hard to believe! It went by in such a flash. Well, My Family says at times it seemed like a hundred and nine years as I'm such an exhasperatin' fellow to live with. Still got the energy of a puppy, though, and always will. Part of my charm. So wherever you are, have a biscuit and celebrate with me! ~Tell
I'm a wire fox terrier, and I live on a farm in the country with my two best friends, Cap and Glynn. Cap is the old grumpy dog. Glynn is the shy girl. I'm the good lookin' one. It's a busy life, living on a farm like this. We have to keep the chickens safe from the fox, the raccoons out of the barn, and the squirrels up their tree. It's a full time job, even with three of us patrolling the grounds. When I get time (and Mom's not looking), I get on the computer and write to my friends. I have doggy friends from Canada to Australia and everywhere in between. Even one in Ireland and a couple in the UK. So join the fun, read my blog and sign the guest book. The more the merrier, especially with terriers (hey, I'm a poet and didn't know it)!
We're racing for our cookie jar, Tell! Happy birthday! We hope you have a wonderful day!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Birthday to you!!!!! Hope you have lots of treats and scritchies!
LOts of licks
Sally and Paddy
Tell...Very Happy Belated Birthday wishes to you!
we can't believe we are so late.
We hope that you had a wonderful day.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
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