Way back when I first came to live with The Family, my main job was to be a companion to My Boy. He wanted a dog he could teach tricks, and I was just the pup he needed. As I grew up, I was given a few more responsibilities like security guard, fence inspector and chief chicken plucker, but the job with My Boy was always a priority. I kept myself primed to take off at a moment's notice and go with him wherever he wanted. We were two peas in a pod, that much alike. Well, all that has changed now.
The other day, My Boy packed his gear into a suitcase, loaded a few books and drove away. He's enrolled in college down in southeastern Oklahoma. Guess who has been left behind to mope and peer out the windows at nothing? Yeah, you got it. Apparently DOGS are not allowed in the dorms down there. Mom says not to worry, she'll take care of me until the weekends when My Boy comes home, but between you and me, she's not a wrassler and can't throw a stick at all.
I never knew this place could be so quiet...