
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Julie's Pics

My movie star handsomeness has paid off. Julie Chin of our local television news station KJRH has picked moi to be her Dog Days of Summer photo subject for tomorrow (Wednesday). She liked the photo of me roaching in the green grass. That, and my windblown appearance. I will be featured on the morning news show during the weather update.

Ah, my fifteen minutes of fame! The Family is not sure they will be able to live with me after this.


Gus said...

ooooooh...ya gotta post the url, OK?


Eric said...

How fab Tell! Though I'm suprised Julie didn't fall for your foxy charms before now.Now where can I see your handsomness? Need to brag to my everybloggie my square cousin featured on the news.

Wiry wags n kisses.

PPee s - Did you make them shoot your best side? And does TV really put weight on you?

The Black and Tans. said...

Oh how brilliant. Will we be able to see you on the internet perhaps. Do hope so.

Molly, Taffy and MOnty

Duke said...

OMG, you're a star, Tell! We wish we could see you on the telly! Don't let fame go to your head, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dewey Dewster said...

Ewwwww Tell....

Can I have yer Pawtograph ????? Wow, a TV star....yer sure ta go really really far.....

Too bad we can't see yer they even know what a wire fox terrier is????? Well, they are about ta find out.....

Power ta the Wires !!!!!

Dewey Dewster here......

Agatha and Archie said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you getting a limo???WOW!! SOmeone we know ...A MOVIE STAR!! Is there any way we will be able to see it??? Love A+A Uhmm ARchie wants to know if you are going to give out pawtographs...

Bae Bae said...

Yeah.. Congrates on being a star Tell. You sure are handsome there

~ Bae

TwoSpecialWires said...

You mean we missed meeting a celebrity? At the least you've gotta send us some links to your fame! We ended up skirting Oklahoma on our way back home... but we thought of you as we did! If we'd known, we might've sniffed our way to you for your pawtograph! We are mightily impressed!

Way to go, handsome one!
Jake and Fergi

Princess Patches said...

We just know you will be an instant celebrity! We hope your family can handle the fame! Maybe you will get a visit from Garth Brooks or Toby Keith or some other famous Oklahoma pawson!

Poppy, Penny & Patches