
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Rum Tum's Tummy Tuck

It's been a week since Rum Tum's hernia repair, and he's home from the vet hospital now. Mom says the money for this is coming out of my allowance. I did make the suggestion that it would have been cheaper to just buy a mouse trap for the barn, but noooooo, The Family wanted their cat back. And it one piece, too. Go figure. I also said that there are people who pay big bucks for such a tummy tuck and would appreciate it, but my voice seems to fall on a lot of deaf ears at the moment.
While we were at the vet hospital, Mom was admiring some of the antiques things on display in the waiting area when she saw this contraption.

Looked painful to us, so we had to ask the Doctor what it was. Can you give it a guess? I'll let you know what he said in my next post.



Mango the Maltese kiddo said...
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Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Hi Tell,
I enjoy reading your blog. I'm glad that Rum Tum came home in one piece even with much less hair than before.
Man, why are we not the only kiddo in the house? I have to share my everything with two annoyed Pugs. I had my hernia repair too and came home with much less hair and(shhhh!) no more belly button! I think the Vet framed it as the souvenir!

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Tell,

Rum Tum looks a mite hairless after his repair.....but I guess it will all grow back....from the amount of money vet's charge today, you will not have any allowance for the next 10 years if yer payin' fer all this......

Can't even think of what that contraption would be except fer an early crutch....but it looks more like somethin' ya dig post holes with...can't wait ta hear what it really is.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Princess Patches said...

Hi Tell! We're glad to hear that Rum Tum's repair was a success. Too bad you will have to go without treats for like forever!

Our dad, the old farm boy, says he thinks that contraption is some sort of seed planter.

Take good care of your kitty!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Eric said...

Poor Rum Tum.He's kind of cute but then I likes all kitties. How unkind of the 2 leggededs to ignore you when you are only trying to help. Then taking money from your allowance...isn't that stealing? But I'm very impressed you get one in the first place. Do all dogs get one - I've just been duped all this time?

Angry wags, Eric

Oh, don't know what that rusty old thing is, but could do with a bit of a clean. And it looks like it could do you or Rum Tum serious damage...keep away ...

Duke said...

Mom and dad see stuff like this at the Durham fair every year! Is this the thing that plants corn seeds?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Is it an old fashion fumigator??

Noah xx

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pals, glad to hear your cat is doing OK. He looks kinda nekkid! I was assuming that implement was a horrid medical instrument until I read what other dog's guesses were. You can tell I'm not a country dog, hehehe! J x

Urban Smoothie Read said...

is rum tum feeling better now? he looks really uncomfortable there...

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

I be very afraid of that contraption!!!!!!!! especially in the vets office!

Gratefully He didn't use it on Rum Tum, or more hair would be missing!

With wagging tail,

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

I say that device is - hmmmm - this is tough - it looks real big! Okay I say it is a device for delivering breach positioned calfs. Elephant calfs!

Bussie Kissies